The world is always changing.
Change is the one thing you can always count on - the only constant.
Avoid judging too fast and make the most out of every situation.
Watch (1 min) The Story of the Chinese Farmer or read it below 👇
There once was a farmer who had a horse that helped him earn his living.
The villagers always told him how lucky he was to have such a great horse.
“… maybe“ he would reply.
One day, the horse ran away. And the villagers came over saying “Oh, how terrible.“
“… maybe“ the farmer replied.
The next day the horse returned with 7 strong, wild horses in tow.
The villagers congratulated the farmer, saying “What great fortune!“
“… maybe” he replied.
A few days later the farmer’s son was riding one of the horses and fell, breaking his leg.
The villagers expressed their sympathy, saying “What bad luck!“
“… maybe” the farmer replied.
The next day an army officer came to the village to recruit young men for the army. But they rejected his son because of the broken leg.
The villagers responded, saying “How wonderful!“
And the farmer replied “… maybe”
I love this story. I reference it quite often💕